Optimist Club Recognized for Generations of Youth Basketball in Garner

The Garner News - Garner Optimist


The Town of Garner recognized the local Optimist Club with a proclamation at Tuesday night’s Town Council Meeting for their “years of service and commitment to youth basketball and their continued support of the Garner community.” 

The Optimist Club ran the youth basketball league for just over 50 years beginning in 1969. The league lives on through the Town of Garner’s Department of Parks and Recreation and Cultural Resources which became the steward of the program beginning this season.

“It certainly is decades of service...it’s been a wonderful program for many years,” said Council member Gra Singleton, noting that both he and his son played basketball in the program.

Rebecca Lakey, membership director of Garner Optimist Club, said she was struck by how special the program was when she first joined two years ago.

She remembers being touched at how appreciative the youth were of the program and how much time and effort it takes to run it.

Mayor Ken Marshburn presenting the proclamation to Bill Oates at the Youth Basketball Jamboree on January 4, 2020.

Mayor Ken Marshburn presenting the proclamation to Bill Oates at the Youth Basketball Jamboree on January 4, 2020.

“We owe a debt of gratitude to all the Optimists, not only for the work in the league as we’ve said, but all the good work you do. Thank you for allowing me and my son to participate in the program many years ago. Well done,” Mayor Ken Marshburn said. 

The Optimists plan to continue their support of youth athletics in Garner and are active in both baseball and softball leagues in the town.

“The Garner Optimist Club’s goal, in general, is to support youth,” Lakey said. “We need to find other things for us to help support.”

The community can support the Optimist Club’s programs and youth scholarships at the annual BBQ Fundraiser on February 7, 2020 at 11 a.m.  More information can be found at www.garneroptimistclub.org.