The Town of Garner is updating its Unified Development Ordinance (UDO), which governs land use and development regulations in the Town’s jurisdiction. The UDO update will be guided by the Garner Forward Comprehensive Plan.
Public input is an important part of the UDO update, and members of the public are invited to attend a first public meeting--an online forum--to learn about the update process and timeline. This virtual meeting will be hosted by our consulting team from Stewart, Inc., and will be held on April 15 at 2 p.m. We will live stream it on our Facebook page, You can ask questions and offer input during the forum by posting comments on Facebook. We will also put the videotaped presentation on our website so residents can view it after the forum. This will not be your only opportunity to weigh in on the UDO update.
We will soon have more specifics here on the Town website concerning pre-meeting materials. Please also check the UDO Re-Write page for more general project information.
In late 2019, the Town of Garner contracted with Stewart, Inc.'s Municipal Planning & Mobility team to undertake a re-write of the Town's Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). It is anticipated that this will be a 2-year project. Bookmark or subscribe to this page for updates.
What is a UDO, and what does a re-write project entail?
A UDO is a regulatory document that combines traditional zoning and subdivision regulations along with other desired regulations such as design guidelines, sign regulations, and floodplain and stormwater management into a single easy-to-read reference document. A UDO is intended to eliminate redundant or conflicting codes provisions, help streamline the development review and approval process, and clarify the procedures and requirements with clear illustrations and language.
The Garner UDO update process will:
Update existing regulations and provide new standards for existing land development codes
Implement the applicable vision and goals of the Garner Forward Comprehensive & Transportation plans
Introduce form- or design-based code elements where applicable - including transit-oriented development requirements supportive of the Wake Transit Plan
Standardize and streamline definitions, procedures, and enforcement processes
Create a document that is easier to use, understand, administer, and enforce
Assure the document is consistent with the latest federal law and North Carolina General Statutes, including the state’s new enabling legislation for municipalities: Chapter 160D
Update street, access & connectivity standards
Provide a standardized use table (LBCS with local amendments) - including guidance for interpretation and clarification on allowances for accessory/secondary/multiple use
Clearly define home occupation standards that are observable, enforceable and defensible
Modify existing zoning districts and introduce potential new base and/or overlay districts
Simplify the conditional district rezoning process
Be consistent with City of Raleigh Public Utility Standards
Revise or add graphics and charts that clearly illustrate the intent of the UDO